Leading Ladies

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Cover of Leading LadiesAuthor Linda Spalla says

  • What if I could show you a more natural leadership path than the one you're presently on?
  • What if I told you that women's leadership skills have just begun to be understood? Or that your femininity (despite what you've been told) is your best asset!

This book is for women who wish to be dynamic leaders, whether of a company, a team, a country, or a cause.

As a young mother in the 1970s, Linda Spalla found herself divorced and jobless in north Alabama. In scrambling for a way to feed her child, she also found a groundbreaking career in the hectic world of local television. Over twenty-five years, Linda worked her way up from an entry-level secretarial position to become president and general manager of WHNT-TV, the CBS affiliate station in Huntsville, Alabama. In the early 1990s, she was one of a handful of female managers of CBS affiliates in the United States, and the only one in the Deep South. Leading WHNT, she grew also into a respected leader in her community and her industry. Now in her breezily readable new book, Leading Ladies, Linda shares her unique perspective on being all the woman you can be while making it in a TV-man's world. It's a must-read for women leaders and aspiring leaders, and for the men who live and work with them.

Linda is also available for speaking engagements. Previous audiences have found her to be an energetic, inspirational, and humorous speaker as she shares her life in the world of local television and the leadership tips she has learned. Please visit her website at www.lindaspalla.com for details and booking requests.